
Who I Am

Miguel Madeira - Founder of Eyesight Digital

Eyesight Digital is the head to display several technologies that can help everyone who want to pursue a life of entrepreneurship and the hub for several sub-sites to inform people about what they can expect by following the path of discovering the new digital lifestyle.

For me, there's no better reward than helping people transform their lives, providing them all the possible knowledge and education relevant to today's digital world.

A Short Story

I was born in 1961 in the beautiful town of Mafra, near Lisbon, in Portugal. My joyful childhood was spent between Mafra and the tranquil town of Marinha Grande. It was in the latter town that I attended my first classes and start my learning curve.

At the age of 21, I was called to fulfill mandatory military service.
A significant change occurred in my life, the choice of my professional path.

I worked for several companies, always involved in the technical area of television production. Notable among them are RTP - Radiotelevisão Portuguesa, SIC - Sociedade Independente de Comunicação, and Al-Araby Television Network UK.

At the end of 2017, I decided to leave being an employee and opted to become self-employed, commonly known as a freelancer. I still work in the same technical area of television, which has always been my goal since a young boy.

Currently, I am developing multiple websites centered around digital technology. My goal is to equip those less familiar with information technology with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve economic self-sufficiency and pave the way for a consistently prosperous life.


I am here to empower, educate, and support you in achieving your version of success, with a proven online business blueprint that, if followed, will make your success in life and business inevitable.


My vision for you, a powerful creator, is to build your own reality, a life by your own design, where you can reside in a place of flow and purpose, making a living not just by what you do, but by the positive impact your work has on the lives of others.


"I envision a future where everyone earns a livelihood by engaging in activities they are genuinely passionate about".